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Pay as you go based on your actual cloud usage!

Our pricing model is crystal clear and aligned with your real expenses on cloud platforms.

Start your 30-day free trial now!

Cloud Discovery

Up to €2,000 in cloud consumption

You pay just 2% of your monthly cloud bill

Cloud Regular

For cloud consumption between €2,000 and €20,000

You pay only 1% of your monthly cloud bill

Cloud Hero

For cloud consumption exceeding €20,000

You pay just 0.5% of your monthly cloud bill


How is the pricing calculated?

Our pricing is based on your actual cloud infrastructure usage. We charge you a percentage of your monthly bill, based on your consumption level, as outlined in our pricing table.

How does the free trial work? Are there any limitations?

The free trial gives you the opportunity to use our service for 30 days, with no obligation. During this period, you’ll have access to all features of our product. There may be limitations on the volume of data you can analyze or the number of users you can create during the trial period, depending on the plan you choose.

What cost history can I view immediately upon sign-up?

As soon as you sign up, you’ll be able to immediately view your cloud cost history for the last 30 days

When will I be billed?

We’ll bill you for your subscription at the end of the free trial period, unless you decide to cancel before the trial ends.

How many users can I create?

The number of users you can create depends on the plan you choose. We offer different plan options with varying user limits.

What basic features can I use upon subscription activation?

Upon subscription activation, you’ll have access to a range of basic features including cost monitoring, cost analysis, and alert notifications.

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Ready to cut your cloud costs by 25%?

Start your free trial and start your company cloud costs spending review!